Our Handbook
Officially Issued by District XI

District XI Committee
Bylaws, Policies, Forms and Information
Adopted: April 12, 2010
Updated:  July, 2019

Click Here to See the Full Handbook in PDF Format

Table of Contents
1. Name 4
2. Vision and Purpose 4
1. Vision 4
2. Purpose is 4
3. District Membership 5
1. School membership 5
2. Cooperative Sports Agreements Within District XI 5
3. Changes of District Membership 5
4. Leagues and Conferences Within District 5
5. Home Schoolers, Cyber Charter Schools and Charter Schools 5
4. Finance 6
1. Dues Amount, Payment Dates and Delinquencies 6
2. Budgeting Dates 6
3. Audit (Dates) 6
4. Fees Annual 6
5. Investment Savings 8
6. District- Wide Banking and Checking 8
7. Miscellaneous 8
5. District XI Committee Organization 9
1. Membership of The District Committee 9
2. Elections and Appointments 10
3. Appointments 12
4. Vacancies In District Committee 12
5. Removal 12
6. Meetings 12
7. Records 14
8. Miscellaneous 18
6. Officers and Staff 19
1. District XI Committee Officers 19
2. District XI Committee Staff 19
3. Sub- Committee Chairman and Membership 20
4. Removal 20
7. District XI Sub-Committees 21
1. Sports Sub-Committees 21
2. Steering Sub-Committees 22
8. Powers and Duties of the Committee, Officers, and Staff 24
1. Powers and Duties of A District XI Committee 24
2. Job Description 25
9. Local Management and Control 28
1. School Level 28
2. Conferences/ Leagues (Guidelines) 29
10. Problem Solving Provisions 30
1. Definitions 30
2. Problem Solving Procedures 30
11. Miscellaneous Provisions 42
1. Definitions 42
2. Related Organizations 42
12. Amendments to By-Laws and Policies 42
1. Procedures for Formal Adoption 42
2. Procedures for Amendments 42
Appendix A--Member School Listing
Appendix B-- Current Cooperative Sports Agreements Within District XI
Appendix C--District XI Leagues and Affiliations
Appendix D--Listing of Current District XI Committee Members, Officers & Staff
Appendix E--Approved Expenses and Payment Amounts
Appendix F--Calendar of Actions
Appendix G—Sports Sub-Committee Membership
Appendix H—Media Fees
Appendix I – Steering Sub Committees
Appendix J – Game Manager Responsibilities
Appendix K – Site Manager Responsibilities
Appendix L—Officials’ Representative Responsibilities
Appendix N – District XI Committee Stipends
Appendix O – Power Rating System

Appendix A - Member School Listing (click here)

Appendix B - Current Cooperative Sports Agreements within District XI (click here)

Appendix C  - District XI Leagues and Affiliations (click here)

Appendix D - Listing of Current District XI Committee Members, Officials, & Staff (click here)

Appendix E - Approved Expenses and Payment Amounts (click here)

Appendix F - Calendar of Actions (click here)

Appendix G - Sports Sub-Committee Membership (click here)

Appendix H - Media Fees (click here)

Appendix I - Steering Sub-Committees (click here)

Appendix J - Game Manager Responsibilities (click here)

Appendix K - Site Manager Responsibilities (click here)

Appendix L - Officials' Representative Responsibilities (click here)

Appendix M - Athletic Transfer Waiver Request Procedure (click here)

Appendix N - District XI Committee Stipends (click here)

Appendix O - Power Rating System (click here)


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